Friday, August 5, 2011

Things I Know - The Dollar edition

- I know if I had a dollar for every time I heard "What's that Mummy?" from Ashlee this morning I would never have to work again.

- I know that my wonderful friend who makes me a 'real' coffee on my  work days is worth a million dollars!

- I know we are slowly whittling away the mortgage on our home, but plan to buy a new one of these in the next 12 months....

.... so the loan balance may look a little worse for wear.

- I know I am really enjoying getting back into running again - hopefully this will save dollars in the future with better health, not lose dollars by injuring myself!

- I know it isTAX TIME (ugh!) for us on Monday, but we usually get a nice little return, maybe it's finally time to pay off my HECS fee????

Come and link up with all the 'knowers' at Yay for Home today!
Oh, and 'cos I like it so much I'm flogging with Glowless too! ;-)
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