Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - how does your garden grow?

October 2010

May 2011

What a difference seven months make! I would describe myself as a 'black thumb' , but these Australian natives have all flourished. We paid a hell of a lot of money to fully re-landscape our front garden last year, and I must admit - it has been well spent!
I'm playing Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys . Come and join in the fun!


  1. Gosh looks so different to last time I saw it!!

  2. Beautiful Garden you have there. Mine is currently full of weeds.. :)

  3. Money well spent, indeed! That's pretty impressive. It looks fantastic. Well done! :)

  4. Gorgeous garden what a difference.
    We just did ours time to sell.
    Happy WW thanks for linking up.


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