Friday, April 13, 2012

Fitness Friday - Walking Tall

Anyone who has known me for a while can tell you I am not a shrinking violet. Even so, I feel a change in the way I am presenting myself these days. I am making more of an effort to dress nicely, even just to pop down the shops. I find myself smiling for no particular reason - I suppose when you take the time to look after yourself, your whole body wants to show it.

Another good loss this week, I gained the week before, so to see those scales drop back again was great! I was telling some work mates the other day that if I lose one more kilo I will be the weight I was for my deb. ball in year 11. That was 19 years ago, can you believe it?

All in my training group are preparing for the final group workout and Finale party on the 19th of May. Hard to believe it is so close, and yet, I don't want to consider it the 'end' of my journey. I will not be participating in Round 2, but the lessons I have learnt, how far I have come physically and mentally will NOT be undone.

I have learnt that I enjoy challenging myself to run that extra 100 metres, to up the spin bike resistance, do one extra rep. If I ever wane, all I need do is come back here and remind myself. Next Saturday I will be running my first of what I hope will be many fun runs. My next aim? Mini triathalons (OMG!!)

What has been your biggest acheivement? Come and share with Kate Says Stuff and Mummy Smiles!

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